Doom Eternal RTX

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4.9 stars


Welcome to hell! You are walking into the arena – spacious and multilevel. There is already a good dozen of demons waiting for you there and another few bunches join them in the process. You hear juicy music by Mick Gordon signifying that the action has begun and get ready to pull the trigger. Look around: those soldiers with shotguns and imps throwing fireballs are not just mobs, they are walking aid kits. You can deafen them with one or two shots and then tear them apart with bare hands to replenish your health.

Your well-being is back to normal, but there is already another deadly-looking enemy running at you, a giant Hell baron. But he is dangerous only if you allow him to come close, so let him chase you as long as he wants – you have trampolines, portals and double jumps on your side. Cacodemons and Revenants, on the other hand, can cause a lot of trouble since they can also attack you at long range. It’s logical that you need to take care of them in the first line. Having sorted out your priorities, you’re rushing forward pouring your enemies with unceasing fire without a single reload.

This is what Doom Eternal looks like. The key to success is to stay on the move. There are no safe corners here to catch your breath. If you linger somewhere for too long, you’ll instantly be surrounded. You’re a hunter and a prey at the same time. One second you’re running away from your foes at full speed, another second you’re already attacking the nearest monster. When you’re finishing someone off, your character is invincible, so this is the most convenient way to both take a short break and increase your health points.

That’s the different of the new Dooms from other shooters. There are no first aid kits you need to collect throughout the level, no shelters where you can wait out a particularly nasty situation. The monsters rushing in on you are the only thing that can kill you – and the only thing that can keep you alive. Demons are also an endless source of cartridges of all types, so there is no need to keep your eyes peeled for ammo boxes. Slash and tear your enemies until there are none left and don’t think about anything else than this bloody massacre in Doom Eternal!


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