Doom 3

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4.1 stars

If you are looking for a shooter where high-paced, amped-up action is combined with an ominous, suspenseful atmosphere, you’ve come to the right place! Doom 3 keeps you on an from the very first minutes of the gameplay. You arrive on Mars as an unnamed soldier. Here you pass the registration, meet your colleagues at a bar, receive a protective suit, service pistol, flashlight, and the simplest task is to find the missing scientist at the base.

Further events unfold in the best traditions of the series – dark, scary and noisy. Your comrades are choking with horror in a built-in earphone. Something very large is trying to tear apart the metal door with its paws. The flashlight snatches indistinct silhouettes out of the darkness. And when all the frightening scenes are over, you see THEM! When the first zombie stumbles out of the gloom and walks towards you with inarticulate bellowing, adrenaline starts filling your veins and it never stops until you either complete the mission or die trying.

From a visual point of view, Doom 3 is a sure breakthrough. Models, nuancing, textures, the play of light give a full sense of immersion. Absolutely everything around you blinks, murmurs, spins and glares. There is not a single room that looks similar to where you’ve already been to and the level of destabilization is simply stunning. This is amazing, titanic, filigree work.

The combination of visual shock and a well-built atmosphere does the trick – you begin to shake and frantically fumble the flashlight in the corners. Moreover, you can’t illuminate your way and shoot at the same time. As a result, walking into another dark corridor, you are faced with a choice – to proceed hit-or-miss, but with a shotgun in your hands, or figure out where you’re going, but without weapons. Both will make you sweaty with dread and tension! Play Doom 3 online and enjoy the thrill!

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